“Jazzy Time” was the last event on the Virtuoso Kids Music Academy’s musical calendar. The students from both Nashua NH and Woburn MA locations were performing for their last concert of the show series. Despite the vacation season and beautiful weekend weather, more than 50 performers put on a show full of upbeat jazzy tunes, blues and rags. The students had been working hard for the show during their piano, voice, guitar and other instruments lessons. A debut performance for many of the students, the show brought the families together around a big celebration of Jazz music.
What a great way to end the year!
Jazz music originated in the United States in the Afro-American communities of New Orleans in the late 19th and early 20th century. Since then it has transformed music around the world. Till this day it’s highly appreciated and performed regularly. Virtuoso Kids’ teaching curriculum extensively incorporates Jazz music repertoire to expose the new generations to the complex yet beautiful language of this music genre.
To watch the full concert, click here.